Friday, June 13, 2008

Ego - Friend or Enemy ?!?!

EGO - The best thing to have and the worst thing to possess! The loss is tremendous!! I will never step back no matter if I have to loose everything I have.. Best relations loose the charm with a pinch of EGO! I appreciate the power of it, but condemn the damage it is making on every good soul. I wonder what was the need of such an element in this world. But was the E=mc2 made for destruction? When are we gonna understand the limit in everything? Too much love also kills! This advancement has given nothing to the human kind except to keep our egos erect! When I am not able to manage my own ego, what is the use of getting Management certificates from the best Shop? This is an argument about not having an ego beyond your requirement! It ruins.. however I know people who lack the minimum amount of ego which they require to stand straight and not get fallen anywhere and everywhere! Having that much ego is the pride in our self which everyone should have. So the question now is ego in or ego out!?!? This is life my friends which no one can predict. I think the best part of life is to maintain the equilibrium on all the emotions including the (fear factor) ego! Keep it till you do not loose your self but once you start loosing people around you its better to loose your ego! Sounds confusion right? Just like your alcohol, its good till it keeps you strong but once you start loosing yourself, you got to stop it! Talking flawless is the best thing one can do but actually practicing it takes years to learn the simplest gestures! This is all what I had to tell for now! Next time next element..