Yesterday there was discussion about friends not being faithful and one should never allow friends to be very close. I differ with this. I love to be with friends.
The basic problem with friendship is what zoologists call the 'territorial imperative'.
Have you watched birds sitting on telegraph wires? They always sit a certain distance from each other. There is an invisible line, a demarcation beyond which it becomes a trespass. Sometimes you may have seen that a cat is Lying down, resting, relaxing. You pass by and she is not at all disturbed. When you start coming closer there is a certain point beyond which she will become alert, angry, annoyed, ready for fight or flight. But up to that certain point she will not take any note of you. That is her space.
Each animal has his own space -- that is his territory. If you enter that territory, you are trespassing. You are dangerous and the concerned person, animal, man or woman, becomes defensive, gets ready for fight or flight.
That is the whole problem of friendship, because in friendship the distance has to be dropped. You have to allow others to trespass your being. That's the problem. It is a very subtle boundary.
Man has learned that too -- how to allow somebody physically near and yet psychologically far away. Man has learned it, because in many situations.. .. In a train it is too crowded and people are sitting touching you and you cannot fight -- there is no point -- but you stand shrunken in deep down. The body may be touching, but you don't allow psychological closeness.
So humanity has learned how to allow people physically close but not to allow them psychologically. But friendship is to allow people psychologically close to you. Friendship means dropping the territorial boundary. That invisible line has to disappear, hence fear arises, because it is our animal heritage. That's why, once you are in a love with friends, you go beyond animal heritage. For the first time you become human, really human.
If you really want to live rich, fulfilled, tremendously vibrant, then there is no other way. The only way is to make more and more contact with people. Allow more and more people to trespass your being, allow more and more people to enter you. There are risks, because when you allow people too close to you, there is a possibility that they may hurt you. One becomes vulnerable, soft, tender.
So one can be hurt -- but that risk has to be taken. It is worth it. Even if you protect yourself for your whole life and nobody is allowed near you, what is the point of your being alive? You will be dead before you are dead. You would not have lived at all. It would be as if you had never existed, because there is no other life than relationship. So the risk has to be taken.
Sometimes people may hurt you. I'm not saying that they will not -- but even that hurt will teach you something. You will learn something from it -- about People, about yourself, about fear, about love. You will grow through it. So, pain can be used as growth; there is no problem in it. Even if you are hurt, you can use it as a lesson, as a deep understanding. It will make you more mature.
But all are not going to hurt you. A few may hurt you, a few may give you tremendous joy. And this is my understanding -- that even if one person gives you tremendous joy and ninety-nine percent of people hurt you, then too it is worth it. Even if there is one roseflower on the bush and ninety-nine thorns, it is worth it. One has to take the risk and love the roseflower.
Today open up to your friends.
(taken from noble thoughts)
A lot of things happen around us everytime! How much do we notice? Life is not a big thing but many little things!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Attachment - Happy and Sad!
It is often seen that many a people get attached very soon. It is a part of human nature. However no one realises how important it is to be emotional at times. More often we do not realise that we are getting emotionally close to some one or getting attached to someone. There are several dogmas which say "Attachment is bad" or "No Attachments Please", however I feel that some amount of emotional attachment is necessary for a human to be a human. Like wealth is the parameter for the growth of a human status, similarly having emotions like attachment is also a parameter where a human's intellectual and emotional status can be judged. It is no way acceptable that you do not get attached to someone in your life, until you are made out of artificial intelligence. Every person who breathes and has a beating heart gets emotionally involved with someone in some or the other way. That is how one grows from with in. Attachment is at its worst when you get hurt. We think that the person we are attached to, is the reason for making us sad. But the fact is, no one except you, can make you happy or sad. It is your state of mind and your choice to be happy or sad. That is when the balanced state of mind and emotions come in. When we be attached and also be happy for what ever the situation may be, is the detached state of mind even when we are emotionally attached. Your mind has the strong belief that no one except you is going to make you sad or happy, then you can be attached and happy together. It is the path where you grow and stabilize your emotions. Once I asked my Manager/Friend, "don't you feel bad or sad when your best team members leave you and go? Even you might have had some cherishing moments with them." He said, "Oh Yes, I do feel sad but that is the best part of life, it heals and grows you to the next level. You got to have some amount of emotional bondage to be called a Human" I loved his answer. However its still a mystery? Attachment or no? Well decide upon it on yourself. This was all I had to share this time.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Ego - Friend or Enemy ?!?!
EGO - The best thing to have and the worst thing to possess! The loss is tremendous!! I will never step back no matter if I have to loose everything I have.. Best relations loose the charm with a pinch of EGO! I appreciate the power of it, but condemn the damage it is making on every good soul. I wonder what was the need of such an element in this world. But was the E=mc2 made for destruction? When are we gonna understand the limit in everything? Too much love also kills! This advancement has given nothing to the human kind except to keep our egos erect! When I am not able to manage my own ego, what is the use of getting Management certificates from the best Shop? This is an argument about not having an ego beyond your requirement! It ruins.. however I know people who lack the minimum amount of ego which they require to stand straight and not get fallen anywhere and everywhere! Having that much ego is the pride in our self which everyone should have. So the question now is ego in or ego out!?!? This is life my friends which no one can predict. I think the best part of life is to maintain the equilibrium on all the emotions including the (fear factor) ego! Keep it till you do not loose your self but once you start loosing people around you its better to loose your ego! Sounds confusion right? Just like your alcohol, its good till it keeps you strong but once you start loosing yourself, you got to stop it! Talking flawless is the best thing one can do but actually practicing it takes years to learn the simplest gestures! This is all what I had to tell for now! Next time next element..
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