Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Attachment - Happy and Sad!

It is often seen that many a people get attached very soon. It is a part of human nature. However no one realises how important it is to be emotional at times. More often we do not realise that we are getting emotionally close to some one or getting attached to someone. There are several dogmas which say "Attachment is bad" or "No Attachments Please", however I feel that some amount of emotional attachment is necessary for a human to be a human. Like wealth is the parameter for the growth of a human status, similarly having emotions like attachment is also a parameter where a human's intellectual and emotional status can be judged. It is no way acceptable that you do not get attached to someone in your life, until you are made out of artificial intelligence. Every person who breathes and has a beating heart gets emotionally involved with someone in some or the other way. That is how one grows from with in. Attachment is at its worst when you get hurt. We think that the person we are attached to, is the reason for making us sad. But the fact is, no one except you, can make you happy or sad. It is your state of mind and your choice to be happy or sad. That is when the balanced state of mind and emotions come in. When we be attached and also be happy for what ever the situation may be, is the detached state of mind even when we are emotionally attached. Your mind has the strong belief that no one except you is going to make you sad or happy, then you can be attached and happy together. It is the path where you grow and stabilize your emotions. Once I asked my Manager/Friend, "don't you feel bad or sad when your best team members leave you and go? Even you might have had some cherishing moments with them." He said, "Oh Yes, I do feel sad but that is the best part of life, it heals and grows you to the next level. You got to have some amount of emotional bondage to be called a Human" I loved his answer. However its still a mystery? Attachment or no? Well decide upon it on yourself. This was all I had to share this time.

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